Can a 10 Day Weather Forecast Save Your Life?
We know that an extended weather forecast covering the next ten days can be helpful in our everyday lives. We can plan our leisure time or outside home projects according to that information. Some types of employment, such as road construction or farming, depend upon knowing accurate weather information. Our children’s extra-curricular activities such as outside sports can also be planned better with a 10 day weather forecast. But did you ever consider whether a 10 day forecast could actually save your life? After Hurricane Katrina struck Louisiana and the Gulf Coast, it became tragically obvious that perhaps it could. Just two years ago, scientists could only forecast information about two days ahead of the storm’s track. That time span is now increased to about five days. However, one of the biggest problems when Hurricane Katrina blasted New Orleans and the Gulf Coast was that just the year before, meteorologists had incorrectly predicted t...